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Lani Rutto goes for Fukuoka international Marathon

Lani Rutto

Personal Best

Marathon 2:06:34

Half marathon 61:44

10k 27:43

Lani Rutto and I talked a lot in Iten when I stayed our kimbia training camp. He is going to run Fukuoka international marathon which is held on this Sunday in Japan. He is one of the strongest guy at that race. His character is very relaxed and smooth running style. Most of Africans' running style looks strong. But I tell you now that his running style looks very smooth like he is cycling.

I made short interview with him about Fukuoka international Marathon.

Ikegami : First of all, what's your goal of Fukuoka?

Lani : It's early 2:06. But it's depending on weather and wind.

Ikegami : When did you start preparing for this Race and where?

Lani : I started with the preparation last August in Iten. So I have prepared for this race 4 months. When I ran last marathon in Prague in Czech last July, I got injured. After that, I started increasing the load of training slowly.

Ikegami : How was your preparation?

Lani : Everything was good.

Ikegami : How is your impression of Fukuoka?

Lani : There are already lots of flags. People look happy with the marathon and they are friendly and respect each other. Here's a good place for me.

Ikegami : Did you change something in your training with comparison to the past?

Lani : There is no difference. I already have lots of experiences and know how to train. That's why I trained just like I did in the past.

Ikegami : Who do you care the most in competitors ?

Lani : I'm scared of nobody because I made a good preparation. I know it's not easy because everybody made a good preparation. But I'll just do my best and I hope to win this race.

Ikegami : Thank you for your talking and I hope you win the race.

Let's be looking forward to his race in this weekend and please wish him luck!!







中学 京都府亀岡市立亀岡中学校

都道府県対抗男子駅伝6区区間賞 自己ベスト3km 8分51秒


高校 洛南高校

京都府駅伝3年連続区間賞 チームも優勝

全国高校駅伝3年連続出場 19位 11位 18位


大学 京都教育大学


関西インカレ10000m優勝 ハーフマラソン優勝

西日本インカレ 5000m 2位 10000m 2位

京都選手権 10000m優勝

近畿選手権 10000m優勝






実業団4社からの誘いを断り、ドイツ人コーチDieter Hogenの下でトレーニングを続ける。所属は1990年にCoach Hogen、イギリス人マネージャーのキム・マクドナルドらで立ち上げたKimbia Athletics。









ハーフマラソン 63分09秒

30km 1時間31分53秒

マラソン 2時間13分41秒

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